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Full Name 3883 - Johnny Bravo in the Hukka-Mega-Mighty-Ultra-Extreme Date-O-Rama! (U)(M3).rar
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omg can it be any boring
OMFG I swear Nintendo is the biggest offender of raping someone's childhood. Nintendo will burn in hell for this travesty.
Loving that title
terrible, awful, and not worth a cent. This is the worst game I have played on the DS in a while. How can software companies produce rubbish like this, and then parents have to pay for a rubbish game like this, coz their kids like johnny bravo. This game could have been made for the commodore 64 with the same graphics, cmon software companies, the DS can handle a bit better rubbish than this. PARENTS BE WARNED, DO NOT BUY THIS FOR YOUR KIDS!
Listen "crom"..... Johnny Bravo pwns you
@ crom .. if u dont like it or just dont know it plz dont comment..... u will just get banned... but well, i havent DL it but i will just to try but its Akward lol xD he is like the perfect man D: all buff and tough a lil stupid but its icreadible how cant any chick love him just cuz his physical D: lol i love the cartoon
This game looks wretchedly horrible and the title is stupid. who the @#\% is johnny bravo anyway? garbage.
Damn I wonder How would this game be??? ALthough the grapphics look way bad I will download it to see if its better then it looks or funny.
EPIC intul i played i.
Wanna see me comb my hair really fast?
EPIC... ... (downloading) ... ... (DL finished) ... ... (Playing) EPIC > FAIL < [img]/system/views/Generation3/media/images/emoticons/diablo.gif[/img]
No just no (i am God)the worst game humans must die cause of this creation