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Full Name 0269 - Dragon Booster (U).7z
Filesize 13.7 MB
Region USA
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its kinda fun but its just a racing game.
Ok if ya like racing games then download this! This is actually based on the cartoon Dragon Booster, (hence the name duh!) which isnt really popular over here in the UK but I have seen it before and still gets played from time to time. This game is good cos its a racing game with a twist, that instead of cars you choose what Dragon you wanna "drive". And while you are racing you can attack other riders to slow them down and you have to jump or avoid obstacles. Vxoxox
yeah is it worth downloading
i will try the game
Its cool
Its not worth downloading I had the original game and played it, all it is, is racing, thats all. Nothing great or new.
Its ok its mostly racing
Hmmmm no SS, and no one knows whether or not its worth dl'ing, guess ill hold off on it for now
I am gonna check it these days
Duno never played it
Anyone know, if it is worth downloading?