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Full Name 1415 - Deltora Quest - 7-tsu no Houseki (J).rar
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Region Japan
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Based on the anime of the same name from a book from Australia. If you're looking for english version, i doubt it considering the anime version from Japan came out before the game(and the game is from Japan) Anyway, nice game. I've finished it. And I don't really think you need to learn Japanese at all...(and I can read it, so i know that it really didn't matter) but if you care for the story, well, get yourself a translator or wait for the english version
based on the "Deltora Quest" TV series which has the same blonde haired hero as the cover of this game does
this game is pretty good...
well, this is a good game after all... i like the books as well!
ive read every deltora quest book
OMG! i love hte deltora quest series!!!! is there an english version out?? :)
I really like the Deltora Quest book series alot and so does my sister.But my sister has read the whole series but I have only read one of the four books in one type books.
Yes i am very annoyed that it doesn't come in english. I have read the whole book series and was happy when i heard about the game :(
..How unfair! Deltora first started in Australia, we should at least get this game...As should America. ^^;; This game is so diffucult to play, due to the Language, since it is heavily text based.
This is based on the book series by Emily Rodda, dont expect it to come out in the USA.
I can't even begin to explain how greatful I would be if an english version would be released!