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Full Name 3143 - My Dog Coach - Understand Your Dog with Cesar Millan (E)(M3).7z
Filesize 14.4 MB
Region Europe
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My dog barks and barks but when I play Taylor Swift he falls asleep almost automatically :P
I wish this one would work! It comes on and then turns off after a certain amount of time!
My dog thinks the FEMALE DOGS in the game are hot. happy?
At least you dog didn't eat the stylus, Edgeds! been waiting for this game.. hope it'll tame my dog in some way.
I am having trouble getting my dog to play this game she just wont hold the stylus what can I do?
Yeah me too, i'll give it a go, his show is great. i wish he would come and do something with my dog but maybe this "game" will give me some tips to use.
I loved this show so I'm gotta give the benifit of the doubt and try it.
This is a proper guide to dog care and behaviour.Not interactive like Nintendogs
Is this game any good? Is it like interactive?
Tsst :)