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Full Name 3417 - Petz - My Baby Panda (E)(M9).rar
Filesize 12.1 MB
Region Europe
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uhhm what te hell.. the panda wont eat you...godzilla will >:D sounds boring..looks like al you have to do stare at a panda eat sleep and uhhm you know.. go to the bathroom xD
there is italian language?? can you help me please!!?? thank you very much!
This game is good for kids. Like me!
cuuuuuute! and duh! it does have an aim! it aims for little girls hu want 2 have baby pandas! but if the panda grows up, it will eat u all!!! mwahahahaha!!!
what the hell, can somebody please post about the game - is there an aim?
the cuteness of the panda is turning everyone into zombies
^scary!.....The panda is cute! ^o^
If the Panda 'isn't' cute when my daughter plays this then I am sueing all of you!!!!
this panda is SOOOOO CUTE!
Is there an aim to the game or is it another repetetive pet care game
What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Panda is cuteeeeee! ^^
the panda is soo cute i love him