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Full Name 3554 - Imagine - Doctor (E)(M9).7z
Filesize 4.8 MB
Region Europe
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My only gripe with the "Imagine" range of games is that they're single-mindedly aimed at girls! What are they trying to say? That BOYS don't want to be human/animal doctors, etc?!? Sheesh... Having said that, my boy's so open-minded that he'd play this just to get medical exposure, completely blanking the fact that the guide doctor is your typical blode-haired-blue-eyed gal!
This is cool but if yuo want something with more excitement: try Trauma Center Under the knife 1 and 2, 2 is the best and you can play it without 1, you don't need those skills, they'll ust teach you
angie and stiles are awesome. this game isn't.
Copy of trauma centre 100%
whats the diffrence between imagine family doctor and imagine doctor
Just even looking at this game it sounds cooooool. AGE 11
I dont weather to download this one or trauma centre!!!
Would this be interesting for 12 o 10 year olds?
I think its really fun :P
Good game, enjoyable
If you like this and are a bit older you might like greys anotomy it is like an intractive book.