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Full Name T.R.A.G. - Tactical Rescue Assauls Group - Mission of Mercy [U] [SLUS-00813].7z
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Region USA
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T.R.A.G. - Tactical Rescue Assault Group - Mission of Mercy is a thrilling action-packed game for PSX that will test your strategic skills and combat abilities. Download the ROM today and immerse yourself in a high-stakes rescue mission that puts you in the shoes of an elite tactical squad. With intense combat sequences, challenging puzzles, and a gripping storyline, T.R.A.G. brings the excitement of a real-life rescue operation to your PC. Don't miss out on the chance to experience the adventure - get your copy of T.R.A.G. - Tactical Rescue Assault Group - Mission of Mercy today.


While this game is okay to kill time, it's not a very good one. However, don't let this stop you from playing it as it does have comical value due to it's poor execution and retro feel. Reasons I do not think it's a very good game (followed by reasons to play this game). 1.) The dodgy camera angles. Yes, the D-pad is designed such that you have to press UP to go forward the entire time. All the backgrounds are drawn in 2d with perspective. Expect to get caught in a corner and die. On the upside, this does add to the difficulty. 2.) The fact that Alex has a gun that can auto aim and Michelle has a knife, isn't very well balanced, but not to worry, it's a Triangle button game anyway. If you've played anything from the Dynasty Warriors series you should be good. 3.) Game design flaw, if you choose Alex to go up the stairs, he has the night vision goggles to get into the dark room. However if you choose Michelle to go up them, she has to go through a lot of huddles to switch the power on so she can even enter the room. Also, if you make Alex go up the stairs, you'll have to fight two LESS end bosses. Personally I think they messed up and probably wanted Michelle to have two less end bosses. 4.) One boss is so impossible for me to kill with the other characters, but Alex's backward jump flip while shooting with auto aim will kill her (albeit slowly) the balance is all out of whack here. 5.) Expect to find a key and use it, find a key and use it. Did I mention there's a key? 6.) If you've played this game too much, you WILL get stuck. I mean this in a "you've locked yourself in a hallway a can't continue the game" sort of way. 7.) You can beat this game with mainly one character. Heck I didn't know I could switch characters in middle boss battle until the very end. 8.) The story line is kinda out there. Reasons to play this game. 1.) It's funny. In a voice acting doesn't match the captions sort of way. I recommend playing this with captions. 2.) The voice acting is bad for some characters, I mean really bad. Lol. 3.) There's replay value. For each character that you defeat the end boss with, you get a new weapon and costume for that character (so if you're great with one character and want another character's costume, save the up for the finishing blow). 4.) If you're smart, you can bring the robot girl back to life. 5.) The story line is kinda out there.
Beautiful Game