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Full Name 2656 - Mystery Case Files - MillionHeir (U)(M3).7z
Filesize 79.2 MB
Region USA
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Works great this was a hard one to put down
Doesn't work for me on an R4 :(
Warning do not download this game! The housework will never get done :) The best game ever, really addictive can't put it down. Story mode is the best, I'm up to 14 hints don't really use them and chapter 4 would be further but the kids want their DS back :) Works on Cyclo Evo, Edge, M3 Real and DSTT v1.5
Doesn't work for me either. comes up with error message when it loads.
File doesnt work for me....
Its an awesome I-Spy game~ Story mode is 5 hints on Detective (normal) difficulty
Quick play is a bit like I-Spy and you get two hints for incase you get stuck. Haven't played the story mode yet.
Download is temp down? Thanks for the effort
I've been waiting for this one too. It's become one of the few "automatically buy it" game titles for me since I have yet to be disappointed.
Sister's been wanting this..
OMG I hope this works! I've been waiting for this release for months!