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Full Name 0599 - Alex Rider - Stormbreaker (U).7z
Filesize 10.2 MB
Region USA
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Horrible movie/Horrible game IMO of coarse.
are there any guns(not 4 alex)
YES! I thought I would never find this game
The books movie were soooo good I hope the game is just as good.
Seriously the books are really good i have to start reading scorpia soon but a good book novel hopefully means a good game
indeed. think about it. y would they give a teenager guns. on another note, i loved the series and the movie, so i owe thanks to romulation for adding this game, and many more i love, onto this site. i talk to much...
... no guns... if you've read the books you know that Alex Rider NEVER gets guns
does this have guns
This download is great thanks!