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Full Name 1842 - SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters DS (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 18.1 MB
Region Europe
Can Download No



Excellent CCG game. And no, it's not too easy -- the difficulty level is just right. Also, this Euro version is good because it's unglitched. Avoid both U.S. versions on Romnation at all costs (even the U.S. "v2" dump is glitched).
This should have been awesome. They could easily have made it a collection of the neogeo pocket cardfighters clash games, or even just made a decent follow up, but instead we got this mess. They removed the pokemon esque walk around and talk to people while not card battling, they severely messed up the text with not only bad translation, but also tons of typos. And the card battling itself just isnt fun in this. Also note the US version 1 has a game ending bug at level 9, where if you fight someone called jon a 2nd time (required to complete the game) it'll freeze. If you must get it, get the Europe edition or the US version 2.
I found I could not appreciate the mechanics of the game coming from a traditional trading card game background it seemed too easy and there was not enough depth for me I believe it would be more appropriate for someone just starting out with card games.