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Full Name 1992 - Assassin's Creed - Altair's Chronicles (U)(M3).rar
Filesize 31.2 MB
Region USA
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works on my edge ds card............this games rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
does it work on ttds
Works perfectly on R4. However, not the greatest game. Enjoyable, but reminds you of Super Mario Bros where you jump around collecting things while getting past obstacles. Only difference is the concept of 'Assassins Creed' instead of Mario. Graphics are a little FAIL also. Does not appease the critic. :)
works on mi acekard 2 i and i has it on mi iphone
This game is also on ipod touch and iphone.
does this game need the "R" button because mine is broken?
ummm im told theres a 2nd one but i cannot find it
what is this R4 i hear alot it an emulator?
its okay but graphics are rubish
this game is alright i give it a 5/10
NEED ASSASSINS CREED 2: DISCOVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the first 1 is really good, amazing finish! 8/10
Thank you much