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Full Name 3109 - Ankh - Curse of the Scarab King (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 86.2 MB
Region Europe
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This game has a bug! I'm stuck in the beginning of chapter 2 where you need to get Assil out of prison. Even if you do excactly what the walkthrough says, it just won't work. This should be fixed. It's really frustrating that I can't play this game anymore. And Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle is indeed a very good game!:D It's a much better port to the DS then this one, simply because there is a option to highlight the objects you can use.
Instead of this, I suggest you download another European made point&click adventure called Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle. It has a nice zoom in that makes everything easier on the eyes:)
Is any good?
Yes, but that release only had German voice-over with subtitles, where as this one has English voice-over with subtitles.
Umm isn't the same D**n game as 2671???